discovered: how to gain or loss weight/research 2023

how to weight gain

1. eating fresh dates with cucumber

In his work on Prophetic Medicine, the great scholar Ibn al-Qayyim mentions the health benefits of cucumber. He quoted the hadith of the Prophet that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to eat Qatah (cucumber) with Ratbah (fresh dates).
discovered: how to gain or loss weight/research 2023

dates eating
As with anything high in calories, such as dates, when eaten in large quantities can lead to weight gain. For anyone trying to gain weight, it is recommended that you eat four to five dates per day to achieve your goal. Research has shown that eating five to eight dates per day can lead to weight gain. As one date equals 20 calories, you would have consumed about 100 to 170 calories by eating five to eight dates.
Dates also help improve the digestive system, especially when trying to gain weight. Your body, especially your gut, is being introduced to a lot of calories, protein, and fat. Most people may experience symptoms of constipation during this time. This means maintaining your gut health should be a priority when gaining weight. One study randomly divided men into two groups, one group ate seven dates a day and group two ate a mixture of carbohydrates and sugar every day and after some time they switched. At the end of the study, the frequency of their bowel movements had improved.
a possible side effect of eating dates
_  urinary tract infection
_ can be increased serum ALT & SERUM Blurobin.
_ acidity is noted as a very common
Get benefits without complication.
eating Cucumber with a combination
_ Cucumber has a cold effect and dates have a hot one. By combining the two it becomes mild. From this hadith, we gather that it is recommended that the impact (hot or cold) of things eaten should be taken into consideration. The cucumber is insipid and tasteless, and the dates are sweet, resulting in the cucumber tasting sweet.

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