What is Inflammation?


Inflammation is the reaction of the healthy tissues to injury or infection. This reaction is characterized by series of changes in the tissue. The object of inflammatory reaction is to remove both the damage tissue or infection.


Some common inflammatory diseases:
a. Fatty liver disease. Fatty liver disease can also be caused by poor digestion of food, which prevents the positive effects of food on the body. ...Endometriosis. 
b. Type 1 diabetes mellitus. ...
c. Type 2 diabetes mellitus. ...
d. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) ...
f. Rheumatoid arthritis. ...
g. Obesity.
a. Bacterial invasion
b. Mechanical injury
c. Chemical injuries
d. Electrical injuries
Signs & Symptoms:
a. Heat 
b. Redness
c. Loss of function
d. Swelling
e. Tenderness
Course of inflammation
This is depending on Wheather the terminate in one of the following ways:-
a. All the cells fluids which have escaped from the blood vessels may be removed from the tissues by the lymphatic vessels and the circulation restored so that the part returns to its normal condition.
b. There may be only partial removal of the products if inflammation and there may be destruction of the original tissues. The recondition takes place by fibrous tissue.
c. The inflammation process may increase in severity pus is formed.
d. The part inflamed may die and the process is known as necrosis.
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