Amazing ways to lose weight without exercise

 Amazing ways to lose weight without exercise

Health experts recommend a number of ways to lose weight, including various types of exercise and starvation techniques. Exercising is the best way to lose weight, but there are also some methods that don't require breaking a sweat.

Amazing ways to lose weight

Amazing ways to lose weight

Exercise plays a key role in this, but what if you hate exercise? I mension Below are some ideas that can help you lose weight. Eating in dim light and low noise. Eat According to a study, people who dined in a hotel with lots of lights and noise consumed more food than people who dined in quiet, dimly lit environments. The pace is slow and we quickly pull away as the food becomes scarce. Experts say that hot food is eaten more than cold food, which is the cause of obesity. The use of small dishes. Usually, the plates used for eating are 11 or 12 inches in size.

According to experts, if the size of the plate is reduced to 10 or nine inches, we can reduce our food by 23 percent. Similarly, if we reduce the size of our spoon, the food can be reduced by 14% more. Health experts say that before you eat, tell your brain that I'm not hungry, but I'm still going to eat, and by doing this, you can lose up to 1.6 pounds. They considering themselves healthy without calculating height and weight.

We should consult our close friends about our weight and weigh ourselves once on their advice. Weighing does not help in losing fat, but after taking precautions, further weight gain can be prevented. Keep track of food. In order to maintain balance in age, height and weight, it is important to keep track of your food intake so that you can get an accurate estimate of calories. Of course, this is very difficult to do, but keeping track of what you eat makes it easier to maintain a balanced diet.

Get enough sleep Lack of sleep causes the brain to produce hormones that cause increased hunger. According to health experts, getting enough sleep is more important than going to the gym to lose weight. The duration of sleep should not conflict with exercise. According to medical research, every person should sleep 8 hours a day to maintain the system of hormones responsible for controlling the feeling of hunger and thirst. It's not that you're full and eat whatever you want, but you should have a protein-rich breakfast that helps control hunger throughout the day. Eat eggs, yogurt or peanut butter for breakfast. Do not leave meals more than three hours apart and always eat small amounts.

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