What is Malaria?


Malaria is a serious and deadly disease caused by a parasite that infects a specific type of mosquito that bites humans. People who get malaria are usually sick with high fever, chills and flu-like illness.


As man is progressing, he is also facing various diseases. So now everyone is aware of fever because now, apart from common fever, many other fevers have been born and each has its own place. Fever is dangerous but if diagnosed and treated in time, it is not dangerous.

There are four kindes of malaria parasites.

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But the germ from which malaria spreads is called Plasmodium. When this female mosquito bites a human, its germ enters the human body and becomes the cause of malaria. Because the immunity of the infected person becomes weak.

Due to this fever, the patient becomes weak, the spleen also enlarges, which causes the abdomen to swell. The spleen can be clearly identified by external examination, because the weight of the spleen increases. The attack of this fever is frequent. Due to which it is also called Bari fever.Before this fever occurs, the patient becomes sluggish and does not feel like doing any work. The affected person also feels cold and the whole body starts shivering due to this cold.

Sometimes it is not even cold at first, but as soon as the cold period ends, then the body temperature starts increasing, which also causes headache and the whole body starts breaking down.A blood test can detect this fever.

Malaria is a disease spread all over the world but most of the deaths occur in Africa which exceed one million every year. Efforts are being made to get rid of it in Pakistan. It should be diagnosed and treated in time otherwise. The disease will be prolonged and the patient may die. If this disease is contracted, the patient should be fed fresh vegetables, milk, meat, eggs and fruits.

To avoid malaria, we have to protect ourselves from mosquitoes. We should cover our whole body, especially in the morning and evening, cover our arms, hands and feet. If you sleep at night, use a mosquito net. In addition, these days there are mosquito repellent devices that do not cause any harm to humans. Good quality lotions and oils are available in the market. Can be used. Keep your houses clean and don't let dirt etc. Also spray mosquito repellent every year.

Sign and symptoms:

- High grade fever

- Sudden appearance of fever

- Body pain specially pain in shoulder and lower limbs

- In some cases of complaint of backache

- If you try to drown fever with sponging or only anti-pyratic fever will come back after 30            minutes.

- Change in taste

- Headache  in some cases 

- Shivering must in 99% cases


- It is spread by female anaflees a type of mosquito.

- Germed named plasmodium trnsmitted to humen body by mosquito bite.

- Blood cells destruction started rapidly because of increased level of destructive metaolism


- Common diagnose of malaria is when high grade fever and shevring is noted but other side abdomen, chest, nervus system, kidney and liver have no history of illness.

- Lab test

- Blood MP


- Qunain is invent by muslims scientist since centuries ago.

- Today most common and aaffectively, chloriquine is used for treatment of malaria.

- Fancidar in some type of malaria.

Prevent measures of malaria:

- Use mosquito net at night

- Should not leave storage of dirty water arround your residency

- Must use of gloves and socks at evening 

- Report immidiatley to nearest hospital i case of emergeny

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