The book is also the best friend of man

 The book is also the best friend of man

Along with enlightening the nation with civilization and culture, religious, economic, and scientific sciences, the book is also the best friend of man, and a person who has a friendship with books is never alone. The book stays together even when all friends and loved ones leave. Although today TV, internet, mobile and social media have taken over people's minds, the importance of the book is unquestionable. Today, the trend of bookishness is decreasing in the new generation, and it has become a difficult task to attract children to study, although psychologists make reading compulsory for children in order to avoid the increasing psychological problems in the present age because Good books burn the consciousness as well as save the children from m

The book is also the best friend of man
The book is also the best friend of man

any useless activities. Today's youth who are avoiding studies are becoming ignorant of the past and useless for the future. Books are not only man's best friend and companion but also a treasure of information. According to a survey, only 19 percent of the people in Pakistan are fond of books, while 73 percent of the people have admitted to being away from books, but the intellectual class says that despite the invasion of technology, the importance of books has not decreased The main reason for the decrease is the increase in book prices. People say that they have a desire to study, but books are now beyond the purchasing power of the common man.

It is said that the relationship of the book with man is very old and it greatly increases the knowledge and skills and mental capacity of man and creates self-awareness and understanding of the situations and events around him. Friendship with books enlightens new levels of consciousness, just as it is not possible to live without air and water, in the same way, human survival and evolution are impossible without books. The book has played a fundamental role in the development of knowledge and expansion of thought. When the world became aware of the art of writing, man used rocks, tree bark, animal bones and skins, palm leaves, ivory, and paper to write everything that he could to express his heart to others. can deliver The story of the books is also amazing. Sometimes they were set on fire, sometimes they were taken to the river, sometimes they were stolen, and sometimes they were buried. Sometimes they became the adornment of the royal court, sometimes they were sold on the footpath at a bargain price. But books and friendship are the guarantees of economic prosperity and social peace. History shows that the nation which left the foot of knowledge and research fell into depression. The decline of the Muslim Ummah is a clear example of this. From the seventh century to the thirteenth century, Baghdad was the cradle of knowledge and literature. When Baghdad fell, the great libraries of Muslims were washed away in the Euphrates. It was so thickly deposited that the water of the river turned black with its ink. When Islamic rule ended in Andalusia at the end of the fifteenth century AD, the great library of Granada was also burned by Queen Isabella. This was the period when Muslims read and collected books, but gradually distance from knowledge led Muslims to disgrace. Today there are 28 countries in the world, where the most books are sold, but there is not a single Muslim country in these 28 countries. Alas, Muslims forgot their academic glory and the Europeans entered the world of research by making use of Muslim academic centers, especially Spanish centers. The labors of our forefathers are still present in the "India Office Library" in London. The number of these books is around 6 lakh. These include a large number of pen books in Arabic, Persian, Turkish, and Urdu. After London, the Paris library has the largest collection of books written in Oriental languages. Undoubtedly, books have a great impact on human life, and literature softens the human mood. Today, by inculcating interest in reading and promoting books among the children and young generation, the extremist sentiments of society can be reduced.

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